Monkeys Summer 1 week 6

Date: 23rd May 2024 @ 8:23am

Despite some very wet moments this week, the monkeys have had a super time out and about in school grounds. Monday was our last sport coach session with Phoebe. The children brought together all of their learning in a series of running, jumping and throwing team events. Back in class we started to research all about the Ivory Bangle Lady. On Wednesday, we had our final forest school lesson this year. Mrs. Harrison treated us to a lovely warm camp fire, whilst we drank warm coco and had a biscuit. The children reflected on their favourite moments during their forest school experience. BSL this week was all about numbers. The children learnt to count up to 20 and practised - with voices completely turned off- telling each other how many items of clothes they had in their suitcases. We even had time for a language cafe this week, where a couple of our children worked with their carers in a fun session based around learning languages.


Monkeys' weekly attendance: 94.3 %

Well done to our star of the week: Logan

Well done to our star writer: Louie


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