Monkeys Summer 2 week 5

Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 2:53pm

What a week we have had. On Monday and Tuesday we had to concentrate hard for our long quizzes. We all did really well!

On Wednesday we visited the Yorkshire Wildlife Park. This is what we thought about it:


Caitlyn: When we saw the polar bears, I thought they were funny!

Olivia: The red pandas were funny because they hid away until we walked off, then they came out!

 Louie: I loved the Cappucin monkeys because they were running around, being silly.

Enzo: I liked watching the baby otters yawning and rolling around.

Coby: The giant anteaters were massive. They were tucked up in their beds asleep.

Harmony and Max: The lions were my favourites because they were walking around as if they were in charge of the park. I thought they were cute ( but big).

Norah: The sealions made really funny sounds. One kept roaring. It made me laugh.

Marcus: I liked that the leopard came out in the end and climbed up high onto its platform.

Josh: I liked the giraffes because they are really big. We named one of them we called Zuzu.

In PE on Tuesday we started practising for our Sports Day. We hope you come and see us on Wednesday 10th July.

In art this week, we designed our own mosaics. Have a look at some of our designs.


Monkeys' attendence this week: 95.8%

Well done to our Star of the Week: Kristarnio

Well done to our Star Writer: Coby

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