Monkeys Summer 2 week 6

Date: 12th Jul 2024 @ 9:13am

Hello to all and the first questions is " Where has the sunshine gone?"  The children have forged on regardless of the rain this week. We started our last art topic this week, looking at Beautiful Botanicals. We had to think about how scientists, and in particular botanists, use art to help them identify plants and changes to plants. Next week,we will be doing some natural weaving. In maths, we were out and about, measuring perimeter and area. We used trundle wheels, we liked the click, telling us we had walked another metre. In English, we started our work on instructions. We are going to try and follow some of the instructions once we have finished our own. Sadly, sports day was cancelled due to bad weather, but we are all looking forward to Wednesday, when we will try again! We hope you can come and watch us.


Monkeys weekly attendance: 94.5%

Star writer: Well done Olivia

Stars of the week: Well done Kristarnio ( from last week)

                              Well done Nevaeh

                              Well done Jonah

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