Perfect Penguins- Autumn 1 Week 4

Date: 27th Sep 2024 @ 9:17am

In Maths lessons this week we have been continuing our learning all about factors. Later on in the week, we started learning about prime numbers and square numbers. Penguins found it interesting that square numbers make the shape of a square!

In English this week, we finished editing our biographies about Fu Hao and published these onto lined paper. Penguins have worked really hard on their handwriting, whilst they have been writing up.

Other Subjects
This week, we have had our Global Schools day. We really enjoyed sharing the book ‘Coming to England’ by Floella Benjamin and learning all about who Floella is. In Penguins class, we shared our own stories and enjoyed learning that we have lots of children from other countries and lots of children who speak more than one language in our class.  Thank you to everyone who shared a bit about their home lives! In the afternoon, we had a very special visitor who told us all about what life was like in Nigeria.  


Penguins Achievements!

Star of the Week: Phoenix- For a carefully written Biography all about Fu Hao. Phoenix included lots of facts and made his writing very interesting!

Star Writer: Kachi- for his amazing handwriting in his Biography.

Class Attendance: 98%

Thank you Perfect Penguins for another busy but brilliant week!

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