Perfect Penguins- Autumn 2 Week 3

Date: 29th Nov 2024 @ 9:34am

This week in Maths, we have been looking at fractions. First, we looked at equivalent fractions, then we used this knowledge to help us to order factions. It was tricky at first, but using the fractions wall really helped.

In English this week, we have continued our learning all about Space. This week, we have been really busy finishing writing our Non-Chronological Reports. At the end of the week, we started to publish these.   

Other Subjects
This week in Topic, we started our new mini project ‘Forces and Mechanisms’. We had a wonderful afternoon on Monday exploring Friction, Air Resistance and Water Resistance. Penguins really enjoyed the friction experiment: they had to work out which surface make the most and the least friction for the toy car and found out that carpet had the most friction as the car was slower and the tile had the least amount of friction. Later on in the week, they learned about gears and made their own working gear model.


Penguins Achievements!

Star of the Week: Zara- For fantastic effort in all her learning, particularly in her English work and her writing.

Star Writer: Joshua-James- for a wonderfully written piece of topic writing about what would happen if the gravity on Earth was similar to the moon, and how this would change our daily lives.

Class Attendance: 95%

Thank you Perfect Penguins for another wonderful week!

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