Perfect Penguins- Spring 2 Week 1

Date: 28th Feb 2025 @ 10:24am

This week in English we have begun our new unit, learning all about non-chronological reports. At the start of the week, we learned we would be writing a non-chronological report about the human life cycle, to link with our first mini project this term. On Tuesday, we learned the features of a non-chronological report, and later on in the week we have been learning about different types of sentences, as well as subordinating clauses.

In Maths this week we have been recapping column addition and subtraction. On Wednesday we put our skills together and used ‘RUCSAC’ to answer some word problems using these operations. Later on in the week, we began to look at the mental strategies we can use to add and subtract numbers more quickly, including estimating and rounding.

Other Subjects
In our first mini-project this term, we have started to learn about Human Reproduction and Ageing. At the start of the week, we looked at the human life cycle from embryo to juvenile, to adolescent, to adult and finally to elderly. We have also discussed puberty and the changes our bodies go through. Penguins have asked some really important questions and have been very respectful when discussing these topics.


Penguins Achievements!

Star Writer- Josh for a beautifully written Newspaper report linked to our class story ‘Farm Boy’.

Class Attendance: 97.8%

Thank you Perfect Penguins for a great start to the half term!

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