Perfect Penguins- Spring 2 Week 2
Date: 7th Mar 2025 @ 5:28pm
This week in English we have continued our learning about chronological reports. At the start of the week, we thought about the specific topic vocabulary we would need in our reports. Later on in the week, we began to plan and write our reports, using our Whole Class Reading texts to help us.
In Maths this week we have been recapping long and short multiplication, as well as short division. On Wednesday we put our skills together and used ‘RUCSAC’ to answer some word problems using these operations. We worked hard to remember long multiplication is for a number multiplied by a two digit number and short multiplication can be used for a number multiplied by a single digit number.
Other Subjects
On Thursday, we celebrated World Book Day and we had a lovely time! Everyone looked amazing and we had a fantastic time sharing our favourite books and our favourite book characters. The cardboard characters looked wonderful too!
Penguins Achievements!
Star of the Week- Melson for being a really great friend in Penguins class.
Star Writer- Ayaan for a very well written Newspaper report linked to our class story ‘Farm Boy’.
Class Attendance: 94.1%
Thank you Perfect Penguins for another wonderful week!