Perfect Penguins- Spring 2 Week 3
Date: 14th Mar 2025 @ 9:15am
This week in English we have finished planning and writing our chronological reports. On Friday we started publishing these and we will finish our publishing next week, ready for our new writing unit!
In Maths this week, we have been recapping converting mixed numbers into improper fractions and improper fractions into mixed numbers. On Wednesday, we began learning how to multiply a fraction by a whole number. On Thursday, we took this one step further and looked at how to multiply a fraction by a mixed number.
Other Subjects
This week in Topic, we have been learning all about Land Art. On Tuesday, we sketched a range of materials artists use in Land Art and on Thursday, we created our own relief sculptures outside using materials in the environment. On Fridays, we are really enjoying the forest school sessions and our tag rugby sessions with the sports coach!
Penguins Achievements!
Star of the Week- Florence for being kind, caring and for helping everyone in Penguins Class. Florence always tries her best in everything she does at school.
Star Writer- Molly for a carefuly written Newspaper report linked to our class story ‘Farm Boy’.
Class Attendance: 97.4%
Thank you Perfect Penguins for another super busy but fun week!