Perfect Penguins Summer 1 Week 5
Date: 16th May 2024 @ 8:15pm
Take a look at what the Perfect Penguins have been learning about this week...
The children have been practising division and converting mixed numbers to improper fractions. They were mastering reasoning and problem solving questions.
The children have been busy writing character description of Thanatos, 'The Deamon of Death' from the book 'Who Let the Gods Out' by Maz Evans.The children have used their descriptive writing skills and written some lovely pieces of writing, ready to publish tomorrow.
In our Ancient Greeks topic, this week the children explored the significent people of Athens and created factual profiles of them.
Star of the week: Noah for working hard in all subjects.
Star writer: Noah again for writing a briliant character description of Thanatos.
Attendance this week: 97.14%