Sharks Autumn 1 Week 2

Date: 19th Sep 2024 @ 5:06pm

This week in Maths, we have been learning how to estimate numbers on a number line. We have learnt what estimate means and applied this to our learning. We looked at the tens in the number first, to identify where it needs to go on the number line. 

In English, we have been learning about the features of a good story. We have worked hard to use a range of adjectives and conjunctions to extend our ideas and add interest to our writing. We have also started to plan out our new stories ready to write next week. 

In topic, we learnt what chronological order means. We used this to help us order when significant people were born, from the earliest to the most recent date. We have also found out lots of information about Neil Armstrong. Amelia was able to confidently recall sentences about when he was born and his early childhood. Well done!

Star of the week: Daisy (an amazing attitude towards learning).

Star writer: Alisa 

Super Sharks attendance: 95.7%

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