Sharks Spring 2 Week 1

Date: 28th Feb 2025 @ 5:22pm

Welcome back to the spring term of year 2!

We have had a great week learning lots of new things. In English, we have started working towards writing a new non-chronological report about Coastlines. We are writing to inform tourists visiting the library in Whitby. We have studied lots of good examples and identified the key features of these. 

In maths we have continued our learning about missing number problems. We can identify and use the inverse opperation to solve these problems. We have also tried hard to apply our knowledge of number facts to help us solve different calculations. 

In topic, we have enjoyed being scientists this week. Our new mini project is called 'Plant Survival'. On Thursday, we created our own plant pots and planted grass seeds. We are all responsible for caring for our own plants. We will continue to monitor them and see how well they grow in different conditions. 

Don't forget next Thursday is World Book Day!

Sharks Class Attendence = 95.16%

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