Sharks Summer 2 Week 3

Date: 21st Jun 2024 @ 4:45pm

This week in Maths, we have been finding fractions of amounts. We learnt to use the words numerator and denominator and which part of the fraction they relate to. We were able to find different fractions including 2/3 and 3/4. Miss Pearce was very impressed!

In English, we have been very busy publishing our castle setting descriptions. Before we started, we edited our drafts with purple pen to make sure we had included all the features from our success criteria. Phoebe created a brilliant illustration to match her description!

In topic lessons, we have enjoyed making our own minibeast habitats. We collected different materials such as twigs, leaves and stones and used these to great a bug hotel. We thought carefully about what animals need to survive and included this in our homes.

Star of the week: Alan - for sharing some great ideas for his setting description.

Star writer: Ike- for really focussing on ensuring his writing meets all of the success criteria. 

Super Starfish attendance: 93.8%

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