Sharks Summer 2 Week 6

Date: 11th Jul 2024 @ 4:51pm

In Maths, we have been learning how to draw tally charts and interpret data. We had great fun creating a class tally chart showing our favourite sports. Football was a clear favourite with running coming in a close second!

In English, we have started to publish our non-chronological report about castles. We keep checking our handwriting against our gold standard piece to ensure this is our best ever piece! 

In topic, we have started our mini project called ‘Push and Pull’. We have tested different mechanisms and learnt how to make three of our own. These were called the slider, the lever and linkage.  We are working towards making our own moving greetings card using the skills we have learnt so far.

Well done for your hard work again this week Super Sharks, keep it up!

Star of the week: Belicia (being an amazing role model to others)

Star writer: Ella-Mae

Super Sharks attendance: 94.25%

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