Spring 1 Butterflies

Date: 15th Jan 2025 @ 12:55pm

Come and see what the Brilliant Butterflies have been learning.....


In Literacy, we are reading ‘Lucy and Tom’ We talked about how this is a story from a long time ago. We talked about the similarities and differences to school now and then.  For our writing task this week, we had a go at writing the similarities and differences between school now and then.  Well done to Amelia for trying so hard to apply her phonic skills to her writing :)  


In Maths, we are learning about time. We read the story, ‘Peace at Last’ and talked what time of day it was and what happens during this time. We looked at ‘O’clock’ times and worked with a partner to make different O’clock times to make sure our class bear got to the right place at the right time! We then looked at the sequence of the day and worked together to order this. Well done to Clara for confidently making the different times :) 


For our 'Long Ago' topic, we played a game of 'Guess Who' game with our baby pictures. We all had so much fun looking at the how much we have changed! 

Class attendance % - 

Star of the Week - Kairo  

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