Spring 1 - Week 1
Date: 11th Jan 2024 @ 2:48pm
Happy New Year!!
We hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas and a joyous New Year!
Lets start with a big well done to Alex for achieving Star Writer the first week back!
The Dazzling Dolphins have started 2024 by learning about Rocks, Relics and Rumbles. We have been learning all about Mary Anning and how she was a very famous fossil hunter from Lyme Regis. Edward wanted to share about Mary with everyone: She was born in 1799 and died at the age of 47 in 1847.
In P.E we started two new topics, a new football topic, where we focused on the skills of dribbling and passing and gymnastics. In gymnastics we began learning different rolls, including teddy bear rolls. A new football club has also started during lunchtimes, children in our class began this on Wednesday. The children thoroughly enjoyed this session, they started with passing games and practising the basics of football.
We have also started a new topic in Spanish - instruments! The children are very excited about this!
A great start to 2024!!