Spring 1 Week 1

Date: 9th Jan 2025 @ 5:12pm

Happy New Year, we hope that you’ve had a lovely break!

Thank you so much for all the support with the home learning linked to making a volcano. The corridor looks fantastic with all the children’s effort.

In English this week, the children explored lots of lovely texts linked to discovering fossils and being a palaeontologist. These stories have been inspired by the life of Mary Anning.

In Maths, the children have recapped place value. New learning this week has been rounding to the nearest 10. See if your child can remember the rules for how to do this!

In Topic, the children explored rocks, learning about the 3 types of rocks. The children carried out an exciting experiment where they had to sort and name the rocks based on their properties.

In PSHE, the children have been learning to understand that multiple parties can be involved in bullying and how there is a bully, a victim and a witness.
We talked through situations and discussed what we would do as the victim and as the witness. The children were extremely sensible when they shared their ideas.

In BSL, the children have been understanding the frustrations of a Deaf person when lip reading and how some lip patterns are very similar and confusing.

Please support your children in completing their home learning tasks this week and continue to read as much as you can!

Please can you ensure that the children are coming to school on Mondays and Wednesdays in their PE kit and that they are wearing either trainers or pumps.
Thank you,

Mrs Edmond and Mrs Hubbard

Attendance: 95.03%








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