Spring 1 Week 2

Date: 18th Jan 2024 @ 4:28pm

We have had another very busy week of learning in the Super Sharks...

In maths, we have been solving missing number problems using the inverse opperation. We then challenged ourselves to solve balancing equations (such as 13+ 16 = ___ + 5). We used practical maths equipment to help us with our calculations and to prove our answers. Alan demonstrated great perseverance and was able to explain how to solve the problems.  Well done Alan. 

In English, we have been learning to use different grammatical features ready to use in our story writing. We have learnt how to write expanded noun phrases, time adverbials and conjunctions. Rita was able to share an excellent sentence using the conjunction 'and'. 

In topic, we have learnt about different human and physical land features found in Whitby. We enjoyed exploring maps and using the key to find out Whitby. We had a good discussion comparing the human features of Whitby with those in Derby. We discoverd that although Whitby is a coastal town with lots of different physical features, many of the human features are similar. 

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