Spring 1, Week 3

Date: 25th Jan 2024 @ 12:32pm

Take a look at what Talented T-Rex class have been learning this week…

In BSL, we learnt signs for sizes, practising our hand shapes and facial expressions. We took it in turns to sign the sizes of objects and our friends had to guess which object we were referring to. Lenayah, Charlotte and Sidney did a super job signing and using great facial expressions.

In English, we have planned and written up our setting descriptions about Buckingham Palace and The Tower of London. We have used describing words and ‘and’ to write detailed sentences about the features of the buildings.

Well done everyone for doing a super job in our class assembly this week! You did a great job remembering your lines and showcasing your learning.

Well done Arria for Star of the Week! You have been working hard in phonics and you’re doing a great job of remembering the phonemes.

Well done Ella for Star Writer!  You have produced a lovely published piece this week.

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