Spring 1 Week 3

Date: 23rd Jan 2025 @ 4:28pm

We’ve had another busy week at school!

Please can we ask that you support your child in ensuring that their iPad is fully charged and ready to use at school every day. Also please support your child in bringing in their reading book and reading diary every day.

In English this week, the children have been busy writing their own stories based on the real story of Mary Anning and her fossil discoveries. They have used interesting adjectives to describe and have practised writing speech.

In Maths, the children have learned 2 methods to help them solve 2d x 1d multiplication e.g 23 x 5. This was quite tricky and we will continue to practise the methods.

In Topic, the children learned about volcanoes, including the different types of volcano and different statuses of volcano  e.g dormant, active, extinct. Ask your child to tell you something they've learned about volcanoes this week!

In RE, the children read a story from the Bible about Jesus healing a blind man and the children explored why this is considered to be a miracle.

In BSL, the children have continued learning about hobbies and how a conversation would be signed linked to this.

Please continue to support your children in completing their home learning tasks this week and continue to read as much as you can!

Thank you,

Mrs Edmond and Mrs Hubbard


Star of the week: Ike

Writer of the week: Chidera

Capture hobbies week 2.PNG



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