Spring 1 - Week 3

Date: 24th Jan 2025 @ 9:30am

Maths this week, we have been multiplying 2- and 3-digit numbers by 1 digit, finding factor pairs and multiplying 3 numbers together. The children were able to apply their times table knowledge to help solve these. On Friday, we continue to practise our times tables.

In English we have written out non-chronological reports using our plans. We have started to publish our reports.

In WCR we have been completing work based around the story Sabryna and the River Spirit

For Topic this week we have been learning about mountains. The children have learnt about contour lines and used their knowledge to find the height of UK mountains on a map. They have also started a research project about a UK mountain.


Change of Date – The Year 4 Showcase will now be on 12th February 2:45pm – 3:20pm




Star of the Week

Well done Mya, you always go above and beyond in all of the work you do.

Star Writer

Well done Nevaeh, you have written a factual non-chronological report.

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