Spring 1 - Week 4
Date: 1st Feb 2024 @ 2:56pm
We have had another exciting week of learning in the Dazzling Dolphins!!
A big congratulations to Mila for achieving Star of the Week today!! She received this award for her excellent use of vocabulary when writing her Mary Anning biography.
Well done to Corey for getting Star Writer this week!!
This week we have learnt all about tsunamis - we have all been shocked by how fast they travel, they can reach speeds of 500mph!! They have the power to destroy buildings and whole cities! In Geography we looked at a World map, we studied the cardinal points of a compass and where different countries are in relation to the UK. Darcie annotated a map independently which was chosen as an example to be put in everyones books. Edward's, Leonard's and Elina's maps were also great examples and are therefore on display in the classroom.
In English we have started a new topic, we are going to be writing a newspaper report for the Derby Telegraph. We have been looking at the features a newspaper must have and reading a range of newspaper reports.
In Maths we have been learning how to use the bus stop method to help us with our division - please ask your children to show you how to do this!!
Have a great weekend!