Spring 1 Week 4

Date: 30th Jan 2025 @ 4:42pm


Hello all,

In English this week, the children have learned about what a news article is and the features that are used when writing them. They enjoyed carrying out some role play, pretending to be a news reporter this week!
In Maths, the children have learned how to use bus stop division. They also recapped the inverse operation, understanding that multiplication is the opposite calculation to division and number facts are linked, e.g 5x4=20 so 20 ➗ 5=4
In Geography, the children learned about the terrible volcanic eruption of Mt Vesuvius in 79AD. They also researched other volcanic eruptions and really enjoyed working as a team to make a volcano out of clay.
In BSL, the children have continued learning about hobbies and also have been asking what time the hobby is at, lovely conversations. 
Reminder: Please can we ask that you support your child in ensuring that their iPad is fully charged and ready to use at school every day. Also please support your child in bringing in their reading book and reading diary every day.
Home learning tasks are now on paper. Your child will receive a pack along with their weekly spellings. Please support your child in accessing their tasks.
Thank you,
Mrs Edmond and Mrs Hubbard
Attendance: 99.44
Star of the week: Julia
Star writer: Writer





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