Spring 1 - Week 4
Date: 31st Jan 2025 @ 5:10pm
Maths this week, we have been dividing. We have used the short division methos (bus stop) to work out answers including remainders. On Friday, we continue to practise our times tables.
In English we have started our new type of writing. The children found out they are writing a narrative for Julia Donaldson. We have started looking at features we might include such as different sentence types and fronted adverbials. We finished of the week by writing a setting description
In WCR we continued to complete work based around the story Sabryna and the River Spirit
In PE we have been doing dance with the sport coach. This week we started creating moves for a dance based on the Water Cycle.
Star of the Week
Well done Zach, you have made a massive improvement to your learning and attitude.
Star Writer
Well done Marcus, you have written great sentences using fronted adverbials.