Spring 1 Week 6
Date: 15th Feb 2024 @ 8:55am
This week in Reception we have been learning facts about the polar regions (Arctic and Antartica) and animals. Jack noticed that arctic foxes have 'shorts noses and ears to stay warm'. Well done Jack! We also found out that snow owls, penguins, walruses and polar bears call these regions home. The children were using this learning to write a fun fact file. The writing is really coming on now with children attempting to use lots of phase 3 digraphs. Keep it up Bears!
In Maths we have been learning number bonds to five. The children understand the sign for addition and know that when adding pairs of numbers the answer gets bigger. The Bears had a go at pairing numicon pieces together to make five. They also worked with a partner to build different tower blocks of five. Niyelah-Rose noticed when she had three cubes her partner had two, therefore three and two makes five. A great observation!
The children have had fun making and designing pancakes for pancake day. We also read 'Mr Wolf's Pancakes' which was a lovely way to round off the week.
Have a good rest everybody. I will see you next half term.