Spring 2 Week 1
Date: 26th Feb 2025 @ 12:34pm
Take a look at the Brilliant Butterflies' learning this week...
In Maths, we are learning to add. We practiced counting out two amounts of beanbags then put all the bean bags together to find the total. We made number sentences to go with it. Well done to Margot for accurately counting each group and then finding the total :)
In Literacy, we read the story ‘Farmer Duck’. We talked about how the duck felt and what the farmer should have done. For our writing task, we wrote an apology letter from the farmer to the duck. Well done to Taron for using his phonics correctly in his independent writing :)
To introduce our ‘Ready Steady Grow’ Topic, we looked at some videos of farms and farm life. We talked about the different animals we could see and the different jobs a farmer might have to do.
Brilliant Butterflies' class attendance -