Spring 2 Week 1

Date: 28th Feb 2025 @ 8:41am

Hello all,

In English this week, the children have read and discussed some different stories where characters have escaped from Pompeii during the volcanic eruption. They have learned new vocabulary words and now have a greater understanding of what life was like in Pompeii ready to use in their own stories.

In Maths, the children have learned about angles. They have learned how to spot right angles in 2D shapes and they have also learned about acute and obtuse angles. Can your child show you examples of right angles in every day life?

In Science, the children have really enjoyed exploring different forces including friction and magnetic force. We have carried out lots of experiments this week, including one where the children measured and  compared the amount of friction between their shoe and different surfaces using a Newton metre.

In BSL, the children have continued learning about about colours and clothing.

Reminder: Please can we ask that you support your child in ensuring that their iPad is fully charged and ready to use at school every day. Also please support your child in bringing in their reading book and reading diary every day.

Home learning tasks are now on paper. Your child will receive a pack along with their weekly spellings. Please support your child in accessing their tasks.  Homework is set every Thursday and is due the following Thursday.

Thank you,

Mrs Edmond and Mrs Hubbard

Attendance: 95.23%
Star writer: Imogen

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