Spring 2 Week 2

Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 8:36am

This week, we have been exploring our sub topic - 'Puddles and Rainbows' 

We have followed the weather all week and noticed how it changed each day. In Literacy, we wrote our own weather diary. The children were very good at using the correct vocabulary to describe the weather. Well done to Mariah for noticing that it wasn't windy as the trees were not moving. 

In maths, we have been learning to subitise. The children were great at saying the amount of objects up to 5, without counting! Chizurum worked so hard with this!

We have loved celebrating 'World Book Day' The Butterflies made such an effort with their costumes. We enjoyed showing off our costumes and talking about who we are. The book of the day was 'The Tiger who came to Tea' We explored this story and completed  lots of activities based around this book. 

Well done to Loki for being this week's 'Star of the Week' 

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