Spring 2 - Week 2
Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 2:04pm
Hello to another week with the Dazzling Dolphins!!
Huge congratulations to Ollie for achieving Star Writer this week!
Well done to Kenzie-Ray to getting Star of the Week in assembly, he was chosen this week due to his excellent participation during lessons and always trying his best.
In Maths this week we revisiting adding and subtracting using the column method, the children feel their confidence is growing in this area and they enjoy completing this work.
In Spanish we learnt 5 new animals: Mono - monkey, oveja - sheep, pato - duck, raton - mouse and vaca - cow, some of these are very tricky to pronounce, especially oveja.
On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day, we dressed up as our favourite book characters. Some children also made a 'book in a box', thank you to everyone who took the time to create these - they were FANTASTIC! Well done to; Eli, Morgan, Edward, Alyssa, Freya, Mia, Darcie-Rose, Jago and Kenzie. We enjoyed a day off timetable, reading stories and completing a number of different activities.
Edward and Alisa shared some of their pets from home on Purple Mash for all the class, thank you for this!