Spring 2 Week 3

Date: 14th Mar 2024 @ 12:57pm

This week we have continued looking at arithmetic questions. Emilee has been showing her working out beautifully. We have also been practicing our times tables. Well done to Maryam who has learnt all the times tables for year 2! 

In English, we have been writing up our non-chronological reports, ready to send to Whitby tourist information centre. Caleb and Tammy have used their very best handwriting and Joseph has drawn some beautiful images to support his writing.

In topic this week, we have continued our flowerhead mini project. We have explored pattern and colours on flowers. Today we made lovely flower sculptures, using bright colours and exciting patterns.

Star of the week: Ivana - For trying hard in maths lessons 

Star writer: Amelia- For beautiful handwriting


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