Spring 2 Week 3

Date: 14th Mar 2025 @ 8:42am

Hello all,

In English this week, the children have been busy writing their 'Escape from Pompeii' stories. They have thought carefully about interesting  adjectives and verb choices to use to create an exciting story to read!

In Maths, the children have recapped strategies to solve multiplication questions, including the column method. They have also practised solving division questions using the 'bus stop' method.

In Science, the children have carried out an experiment to test out the strength of magnets. They also drew a bar chart to represent their results.

In BSL, the children have been learning the months of the year.
In RE, the children learned about the Easter story, discussing the key events and characters.
In PE, the children learned how to defend and pass the ball effectively in order to play a team game of Handball.

Reminder: Please can we ask that you support your child in ensuring that their iPad is fully charged and ready to use at school every day. Also please support your child in bringing in their reading book and reading diary every day. Please sign your child's reading diary to show the reading they are doing at home.

Home learning tasks are now on paper. Your child will receive a pack along with their weekly spellings. Please support your child in accessing their tasks.  Homework is set every Thursday and is due the following Thursday.

Thank you,

Mrs Edmond and Mrs Hubbard

Star of the week: Noah
Star writer: Jeremy

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