Spring 2 Week 3
Date: 14th Mar 2025 @ 4:19pm
In Maths this week, the children have been learning about angles. We have identified different angles, recognised angels in a turn and compared and ordered angles. On Friday we have been practising our Times Tables and completing our Soundchecks.
During English this week, the children have been researching facts and writing their draft explanation text on Solid, Liquids and Gases.
In Topic this week, the children have been doing their mini-topic Vista. We have looked at a landscape and made view finders to focus on a particular part of it. We have used watercolours to create a wash background.
In PE we have been doing cricket and football. In cricket, we have been practising our fielding skills using the barrier stop and our catching.
Star of the Week
Well done Alex, you have tried hard in all your lessons this week and you're a great role model
Star Writer
Well done Josh, you have written a good draft explanation text, and your handwriting has improved a great deal.