Spring 2 Week 4

Date: 20th Mar 2025 @ 1:46pm

In Maths this week, the children have been recapping division on 2 and 3-digit numbers by a 1-digit number. We have used the bus stop method to work out the answers. We have also been practising our Times Tables and completing our Soundchecks. 


During English this week, the children learnt that they are going to writing a persuasive leaflet for the Museum of Making. The children had the challenge of trying to guess what type of writing we were doing from the given features. They created a poster to remind themselves of these. 


In Topic this week, the children have finished their mini-topic Vista. They have produced some beautiful landscapes. We have also started our next min-topic Functional and Fancy Fabrics. We have looking at the importance of William Morris. 


In Spanish we continue to learn about ‘La Clase’ we have been learning how to say ‘my’ for the different objects. 


For RE, we have been looking at the Easter story and how Jesus forgave others and what he sacrificed for Christians.  




Star of the Week 

Well done Olivia you always give 100% to all your work even when things are tricky. 


Star Writer 

Well done Alex, you created a super well thought out explanation text on solids, liquids and gases.

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