Spring Term 2025
Date: 26th Mar 2025 @ 8:08am
Just Dance – This Year we wanted to try something new and exciting. As JLT, we are trying to raise enough money for the Buddy Stops that the school have voted for. We are thinking about what we can do that's fun and can help us raise funds whilst achieving the schools' pledges. We came up with the idea of Just Dance! It's great fun, helps us to reach the pledge of “Being a Performer” and healthy and of course anything is fun when it involves glow-sticks. We have held a few events of this and are looking forward to inviting more year groups throughout the year. We have managed to raise £87 so far and we are hoping to raise even more throughout the year.
The Pledge we achieved is “To be a Performer and be Safe, Healthy and Happy.”
Mental Health Week – Again, we teamed up with the Mental Health Ambassadors and helped to present an assembly about knowing yourself and having an awareness of the variety of emotions you may experience. JLT helped to explain different kinds of emotions and that you can feel multiple at once. They engaged well with the school by public speaking and encouraged the audience to express themselves. Well, Done JLT!
The Pledge we achieved is “To be an Expert Learner and be Respectful.”
World Book Day – JLT again worked alongside with the leadership team of English and helped to judge the book characters that had been created by the children on World Book Day. The examined all the entries and helped to decide collectively on the winners democratically. Head boy and Head girl then helped to announce the winners in the celebration assembly. The Pledge we achieved is “Being Democratic.”
Red Nose Day – Fundraising here we come! JLT again were amazing fund raisers and helped to collect donations in throughout the school to help support Red Nose Day. Parents and children were extremely generous and as a school we have managed to raise an amazing total of £223.91 Thank you so much for all the support, Reigate, we couldn’t do it without. The Pledge we achieved is “Being a Fundraiser.”
Dementia Training – On the 24th March, JLT received some excellent training regarding Dementia. Our JLT will be taking part in some community work in the summer where this training will come in handy. Tony was fantastic at delivering the training and provided all the team with a Dementia Friend badge on completion. During this training, JLT had 5 key messages expressed to them when working with people living with Dementia. These 5 key messages were:
- Dementia is not a natural part of ageing.
- Dementia is caused by diseases of the brain.
- Dementia is not just about losing your memory.
- It is possible to live well with Dementia.
- There is more to the person that the Dementia.
Thank you again for coming in Tony! We look forward to visiting the Memory Café in the summer Term.
The Pledge we achieved is “Being an Expert Learner.”