Spring Term

Date: 15th May 2024 @ 4:13pm

Mental Health Week -

JLT worked with Mrs Holt and worked on a piece of work called “Your Voice Matters”. The children delivered an assembly with Mrs Holt and presented this year's theme to the whole school. JLT also had a job for the children at Reigate; they asked them to take a vote in their classes and this vote linked to the UNCRC statement “Article 12 - You have the right to an opinion and for it to be listened to”. Children were voting for something they would like school to have on the playgrounds, this vote was then taken to Mrs Ratcliff who supported the final outcome. Well done JLT for being the voice of our school!


Disco -

The responsibilities of our JLT are endless. This month some of our members offered to hlp out at our KS1 Valentines disco and they supervised our sweet stalls. They had quick maths and were invaluable to the disco... We couldn't have done it without you!


Red Nose Day -

This year’s theme for Red Nose Day was “Do something funny for money” so Reigate had several different activities on offer, the children could: wear something red for the day or be creative/silly with their uniform – wear odd socks, wear your t-shirt over your jumpers or wear your clothes completely back to front. In addition to this, each class held their very own comedy showcase, this involved the children having a fun afternoon whilst preparing their comedy acts. All acts were performed in classes and voted for anonymously, the winners received a certificate AND a free homework pass in assembly! Well done to all our comedians! Thank you to all parents and carers out there who support our fundraisers, we managed to raise £265.92.

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