Starfish Autumn 2, Week 6
Date: 12th Dec 2024 @ 9:23am
This week in Maths, we have been learning how to interperet data. We learnt how to read pictograms and tally charts. Near the end of the week we started to make our own. We can't wait to carry on this unit of work next week!
In English, we have started to draft our letter to the Giants. We exlained to them why deforestation isn't good and what they can do to try and stop this happening. Abigail used amazing questions in her writing. Henry remembered to start each sentence with a capital letter.
This week, we have been practising for the Christmas play. Well done for leanring the songs and lines so well... remember keep learning them at home. The children have been fabuolous in thier dress rehersals, keep up the good work.
Star of the week: IvyRose - For learning her lines so well in the performance
Star writer: Mohammed - For forming letters correctly
Attendence: 92.9%