Starfish Spring 1, week 4

Date: 30th Jan 2025 @ 3:51pm

In Maths, we have been learning about money. At the start of the week we identified different notes and coins. We looked at the similarities and differences. On Thursday, we learnt how to make an amount by using different coins. Abbie and Codi found how to make the amount using the least amount of coins.  

In English, we have been writing out stories up in neat. Henry has concentrated so well and has formed all letters correctly. 

In Topic, we have learnt about Whitby in the past and present. We had an afternoon exploring the different jobs people living in Whitby would have done in the past. We went fishing and collected Herrings to devliver to the Herring Girls. We also designed our own earings using Whitby jet. Finally, we used wooden blocks to build a ship just like the old shipworkers! 

In Forest School, we have been making our own pencils out of sticks. We were than able to use them to draw in the mud and on the trees! 

Star of the week - Madelyn for amazing behaviour in Forest school 

Star writer- Mason for writing a wonderful story 

Attendance- 94.2%

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