Starfish Spring 2, Week 1

Date: 27th Feb 2025 @ 4:36pm

Welcome back Year 2, I hope you have had a lovely break!

This week in Maths, we have been leanring how to answer missing number problems and counting in our number bonds to 100. We have been using addition and subtraction to help us find the answers. Henry worked independently to complete the task, well done. 

In English, we started our new unit writing a non-chronological report to inform the Whitby tourist centre. We looked at what features are included in a non- chronolgical report and had a go at grouping information in order. We also had fun finding out lots of new facts about Whitby and coatlines to use in our writing. 

In Topic, we started our new mini project called 'Plant Survival'. We leanrt what plants need to grow and how they change as we pass through the seasons. On Thursday, we had the opportunity to plant our own grass heads. We decorated our cup, added a bag inside, put in soil, sprinkled seeds and then watered the plant. We can not wait to watch these grow over the next couple of weeks!

On Friday, we have the RNLI visiting, we have raised an amazing £370.02 for them! Thank you so much for all your Support. 

Star writer: N/A due to RNLI

Star of the week: N/A due to RNLI 

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