Starfish Spring 2, week 2

Date: 6th Mar 2025 @ 3:51pm

This week in Maths, we have been leanring how to answer 2 step problems. We have worked out the first number sentence and then used this answer to solve the next part.  Harrison and Abbie have been super stars in Maths!

In English, we planned our non-chronolgical report. We thought about what facts to include and planned what subheading would be the most appropiate.  

In Topic, we explored what grass looks like in different seasons and conditions. We sorted pictures into categories and labelled why we think the grass looked the way it did. Cohen identified the grass from spring due to daffodils growing in it. 

On Thursday we had so much fun taking part in world book day! We completed activities related to three books. We also enjoyed sharing with our friends what we have come dressed up as. 

Star writer: Thomas - For using exciting sentence openers

Star of the week: Harrison - For working really hard in Topic lessons 

Attendence - 100%!!! Well done Starfish!

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