Starfish Spring 2, Week 3
Date: 14th Mar 2025 @ 2:59pm
This week in Maths, we have been leanring how to find fractions of amounts. We learnt how to share out bigger numbers and even had a go at answering challenge questions.
In English, we wrote our Non-Chronolgical reports. We used a wide range of adjectives and sentence openers to help inform our readers. Mason wrote, 'In the afternoon, you can go to the 199 seps and when you go up the steps it leads you to an Abbey'.
In Topic, we investigated what happens to different types of paper when it is put into water. We found that paper towels are very absorbent. However, tissue paper breaks very easily when it is wet and drips water.
Star writer: Emily- For writing an amazig non-chronological report
Star of the week: Mason - For improved attitude towards his learning and behaviour
Attendence - 97%