Starfish Summer 1, Week 6

Date: 23rd May 2024 @ 7:21am

This week in Maths we have been learning about time. We looked closely at clocks and identified the hour and minute hand. We have learnt how to read times of O’Clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past. Emelia and Caleb read the times well and were able to explain how they knew the times shown.

In English, we started to write up our own stories based on the book ‘Paddington at the Palace’. We used a wide range of adjectives, verbs and contractions. Raul has written an amazing story with beautiful handwriting. Violet has also tried very hard with her writing and has been having a go at editing her work independently.

In topic this week, we have learnt about Prince William. We learnt that he is part of the Royal Family and one day he will be our future King. We also had an exciting quiz where we got to answer questions about what we have learnt throughout our topic Magnificent Monarchs.  

Well done for all your hard work this term Starfish, I am so proud of how well you have all done in your activity booklets! I hope you have a lovely break and that the sun comes out for you all to enjoy.

See you back on Monday the 3rd of June.

Star of the week: Raul - for having a positive attitude towards his learning 

Star writer: Aleksandra and Maryam - for writing a lovely Paddington story

Super Starfish attendance: 91.2%

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