Starfish Summer 2, Week 4

Date: 27th Jun 2024 @ 8:27am

This week in Maths, we have been finding the volume in containers. We had to read the divisions carefully and then worked out how much liquid was shown. Amelia was very quick at giving the answers and Jeremy was able to identify amounts into the 100s.   

In topic lessons, we have started our new mini project called ‘portrait and poses’. We have explored different portraits of Monarchs from the past and analysed what their poses show, what clothing they are wearing, their facial expressions and even what the background represents. We enjoyed working in groups and having the opportunity to discuss our ideas with our friends.

We had a very exciting Wednesday this week because we went on our school trip to Twycross Zoo. We saw many different animals like Zebras, giraffes, monkeys, and penguins. We enjoyed learning lots of facts about animals too, did you know that a tortoise can live up to 200 years!

I am so proud of your behaviour on the school trip year 2, you should be so proud of yourselves.  

Star of the week: Morgan - For working really hard in maths 

Star writer: Noah - For working really hard on his handwriting 

Super Starfish attendance: 93.3%

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