Starfish Summer 2, Week 6

Date: 11th Jul 2024 @ 4:46pm

In Maths, we have been exploring tally charts and interpreting data. We learnt how to use a tally to collect data and how to turn this into a pictogram so that information could be set out in a better way. We also had fun collecting our own data about our friends in our class.

In English, we have started to write up our final piece of writing for Year 2. We have used our very best handwriting and included features that are set out on the success criteria.

Topic lessons have been so fun this week! We started our mini project called ‘Push and Pull’. We have been testing different mechanisms and we have even made three of our own. These were called the slider, the lever and linkage. On Friday we are going to be designing our own greeting card that includes a mechanism that we have learnt.

Well done for your hard work again this week Super Starfish!

Star of the week: Dabira - For working hard in Reading lessons 

Star writer: Morgan - For writing an amazing non-chronological report about Castles

Super Starfish attendance: 85.7%

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