Summer 1 Week 3
Date: 2nd May 2024 @ 2:08pm
The BSL team have been busy this week holding the second round of interviews for new BSL Ambassadors. The interview panels consisted of both staff members and also current BSL Ambassadors. A big thank you to our current ambassadors for their help this week.
It was a tough decision for the team, but we are pleased to announce that we have 4 new BSL Ambassadors who successfully passed their interview and are now joining us.
We would like to congratulate everyone who both applied for the role and also prepared for and had their interview. The application process was the same as a for a job, with pupils needing to demonstrate how they met the job specifications and why they wanted the role. We were very impressed with all of the children’s interview skills and the preparation that some had clearly worked hard on.
Well done everyone!