Summer 1 Week 4

Date: 9th May 2024 @ 8:13am

In Literacy, Reception have been reading a non-fiction book called ‘My Butterfly Farm’.  The children explored the features of the text such as glossary, contents page, labels and photographs.  We also discussed the difference between fiction and non-fiction.  Using this book as a hook, the children were able to discuss the four stages of the life cycle of a butterfly.  Our own class caterpillars have now formed chrysalises.  Within a week we may be releasing them into the wild.  How exciting!
In Maths, the children have been revisiting work on number bonds.  We started the week using a large ten frame and beanbags.  The Bears filled the ten frame with a small number of beanbags and had to work out how many more were needed to complete the frame.  By mid-week we were reinforcing the idea that the ‘whole’ is made up of ‘parts’.  The children used their fingers to create number bonds.  For example, if the children showed, grew or threw a number with their fingers (like 3) the remaining fingers left down would be the number bond.  Metehan was particularly quick at this, well done!
The children have been exploring ‘reflection’ this week and had great fun looking for their own reflection in the water.  Super job Bears!
Star Award: Metehan
Attendance for the Bears: 95.21%

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