Summer 1 - Week 4

Date: 9th May 2024 @ 8:15am

A big congratulations to Jude for achieving Star of Week this week, he has shown a big improvement in his concentration and is working hard on his handwriting, well done!

Congratulations to Nelly for being awarded Star Writer!

We hope everyone enjoyed their three day weekend and had lots of fun in the sunshine!

Back at school on Tuesday the Dolphins started their new learning in English – a newspaper report. The children have looked at the features of a newspaper report and have explored a range of different newspaper articles.  We are reading a newspaper report all about Roman coins being found in a garden in Glastonbury! See below for Mila's excellent work finding all the different features in her text. 

In P.E the children were practising their cricket skills, they focussed this week on holding the cricket bat correctly and trying to strike the ball when it was bowled to them. Well done to Reuben, Alyssa and Theodore who showed fantastic skill when hitting the ball! 

In BSL the children have been practising their finger spelling whilst learning the months of the year. Please ask your children about these signs and see if they can show you!

Dazzling Dolphins Class Attendance = 94.83%

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