Summer 1 Week 4

Date: 9th May 2024 @ 5:42pm

In Maths lessons this week, Bees Class have been looking at fractions. At the start of the week, we looked at equivalent fractions and fractions of amounts. Towards the end of the week, we used the method ‘RUCSAC’ to help us solve fractions word problems.

In English this week, Bees Class have been looking at adventure narratives and finding the features of these. We have also looked at what types of character and setting make an interesting adventure story.

Other Subjects
This week in Topic, we have carried on our learning all about Ancient Egypt. Earlier in the week, we compared the hierarchy in ancient Egypt to Ancient Sumer, and we looked at the job description of a Pharaoh. Later in the week, we learned about what Howard Carter found when he discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun.

Our Star Writer of the week this week is KSeal!

Our Star of the Week is Logan! For working really hard and applying yourself in your writing.

Our attendance for the week is 92.9%

Thank you Busy Bees for another great week!

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