Summer 1 Week 3

Date: 2nd May 2024 @ 8:28am

This week we have explored the story 'Shark in the Park' This story follows a boy called Timothy Pope who goes to the park and thinks he sees sharks through his telescope. Blake was very good at joining in with the repeating refrain each time and had a good go at guessing what Timothy actually saw through his telescope - Well done Blake! 

The Butterflies used this story for inspiration for their writing. We thought about the different things we see at the park and worked hard to write some super sentences.

In Maths, Reception have been learning about odd and even numbers. We shared different amounts of cubes between us and learnt that if they can't be shared equally, it is an odd number. If they can be shared equally, it is an even number. Joel worked really hard with this and was able to give a great explanation about why a number is odd or even - what a superstar! 

In craft we have enjoyed making our own telescope. When we look through this we can see a shark! 

Caterpillar update......We now have chrysalises! We are very excited to see them emerge as butterflies! 

Enjoy the long bank holiday weekend.  I will see you on Tuesday 7th May.

Star of the Week - Layla 

Class attendance for Butterflies -  


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