T-Rex Summer 2, Week 1

Date: 6th Jun 2024 @ 4:08pm

Take a look at what Talented T-Rex class have been learning this week…

In English, we found some fruit and vegetables in trouble after Evil Pea had come into our classroom! We wrote about what we had seen and wrote some questions they may be asking. Some of the questions were ‘Who did this?’ and ‘Can someone help me?’. Ethan and Indie did great independent writing!

In Topic, we have learned about sources of food. We learned that seeds, fruits, and vegetables come from plants and yoghurt, eggs and meat come from animals. 

In Computing, we have started to explore spreadsheets. We learned about the different parts of spreadsheets and then had a go at inputting information into the cells. We were really impressed that the spreadsheets could answer sums for us!

Well done Ava for Star Writer! You consistently present your work neatly and you have written some lovely questions and exclamation sentences this week. 

Talented T-Rex Class Attendance: 92.22%

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