T-Rex Summer 2, Week 3

Date: 20th Jun 2024 @ 4:36pm

Take a look at what Talented T-Rex class have been learning this week…

In English, we started to plan our own versions of the Supertato story. We had to pick different foods and what Evil Pea has done to them. Some great ideas included cupcakes stuck to the conveyor belt and ice-creams that have been taken out of the freezer. Then, we had to think about how Supertato would solve the problems. Would he use his super speed? Would he use his super strength?

In Topic, we started our ‘Animal parts’ mini project. We learned about what it means to be an animal and what animals need. We also looked at some different animals and their body parts.

On Wednesday, we had an amazing day at Yorkshire Wildlife Park. We really enjoyed seeing the different animals. We saw polar bears, tigers, meerkats and lots more!

Well done to all of Talented T-Rex for Star of the Week! You were all amazing on our trip this week, listening well and following instructions to be safe and respectful. You represented the school well!

Well done Lois for Star Writer! You have worked really hard planning your Supertato story.

Talented T-Rex Class Attendance: 91.43%

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