T-Rex Summer 2, Week 6

Date: 11th Jul 2024 @ 8:12am

Take a look at what Talented T-Rex class have been learning this week…

In Maths, we revisited measure. We practised measuring lengths and heights, using a ruler and recording these lengths to the nearest centimetre. Cole and Toras did an excellent job using the ruler accurately to measure and record the lengths of the lines.

In Topic, we have started an Art project, where we will be focusing on art depicting street views. We looked at the artist James Rizzi and had a go at recreating his artwork. Aden and Lois did a great job recreating his work accurately!

Well done Ella for Star of the Week! You consistently work hard in all subjects, and you have really impressed me with your writing this week.

Well done Arria for Star Writer! You have worked really hard on your handwriting this year.

Talented T-Rex Class Attendance: 95.93%

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